Reykjavik University
Reykjavik University The Reykjavik University Centre for Research on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (RUCRIE) has built an international reputation in the areas of innovation and entrepreneurship, including research on the founding and growth of new ventures, business model innovation, service innovation, experience-based innovation and social innovation. RUCRIE is hosted within the Reykjavik University School of Business. Reykjavik University is a modern, dynamic university situated in the heart of Iceland’s capital. It offers graduate and undergraduate studies in business, law, science and engineering, and computer science.
Reykjavik University emphasises hands-on learning that prepares students for the challenges they will meet after graduation. This means working with other students completing actual, real world assignments and projects, often in collaboration with companies and institutions. Reykjavik University is at the forefront of research in Iceland and has developed a productive and ambitious research environment.
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Marina Candi
Associate Professor